For My Beloved Sugar by Bev Penny

Sugar was my first bird. Someone gave her to me when she was 3 & 1/2 years old. I had her 2 years. She died from ingesting plastic from a toy. It tore open her esophagus which is why I never give my birds toys with plastic on them. There is no such thing as bird safe plastic. Period. Just ask any avian vet worth his salt.


For My Beloved Sugar

I didn’t know that you screamed
Not to make my life miserable
But just to let me know where you are
So I could find my way back to you.

I didn’t know that I should talk to you
Just like you were a person
And that you would respond in kind
With joy, with passion and with love

I didn’t know that you needed to eat
All the foods that would make me healthy
And by doing so
We would have that much more time to be together.

I didn’t know that you needed to be touched
As much as I needed to breathe
And calm would settle over both of us
With each gentle stroke of my hand.

I didn’t know how many toys you would need
To help with your physical, emotional and intellectual well-being
Or how wonderful it would sound in the morning
To hear “Hi, Baby Pea”.

I didn’t know that you would love to sing and dance
But only FOR me and with me.
That your off key song
Would touch my soul like no other singer ever could.

What I do know is that in the one year
Since you came into my life
You have become the centre of my world
And made me a better human being.

So Sugar, I just want to say
I’m sorry for all the things I’ve done this past year
That confused and frightened you, because I really didn’t know
And I love you, too, Baby Pea.

Bev and Sugar

Sugar died in 2000. She was the bird who made me a better person and why I feel compelled to pay it foward. Bev Penny

reposted with permission from Bev Penny

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