10 Top Reasons for Parrot Death

Although we all like to think that we always have our bird’s best interests at heart, it is impossible to foresee every single household danger that our avian friends can get into. But it is wise to be aware of the most common dangers to our pet birds, so that we can avoid those situations. And, of course, it is an excellent idea to have a well-stocked first-aid kit on hand at all times, in the event that a mishap does occur. Be sure to discuss emergency plans with your avian vet and have a list of emergency phone numbers available.

Many birds die before their time as a result of mistakes made by their owners, either unintentionally or through ignorance. Learn about the top ten reasons birds die, and just perhaps, this information may save some birds’ lives.

The Top Ten Bird Killers by Exotic Pet Vet

245 thoughts on “10 Top Reasons for Parrot Death

  1. the material is very helpful. My parrot, however, has died suddenly with no explanation except a family with flue visited us for two days.
    How sensitive the parrots re to the human flue virus…it will be very helpful to know.

    • First off please let me express my condolences on your loss. I know completely how very painful loosing any loved one is.

      There is varied information on rather a bird can catch human illness, however it is a known fact that the bacteria we have in our mouths can be toxic or even deadly to a bird and especially if the bird possibly has a compromised immune system to begin with. So if someone were to cough or sneeze directly onto or near birds, I believe that it is possible they could become ill from our germs. Also very important when any one is ill that they be extremely careful in washing their hands before touching a bird. I know some avian vets do feel that Parrots can catch the flu or other respiratory illnesses from you. Bottom line is we must always be diligent in protecting these angels from so many things, anything that is airborne…can be harmful to them.

      Again I am very sorry for your loss and if I can help in anyway…please just let me know


      • Today I lost Him this is very pain full. He love me a lot … but he was ill His name is RIO hope so God will take him as child.. I also love him, He was he is my RIO forever …. i am in pain…..

      • I am very sorry for your loss of your precious Rio. I truly believe that these feathered Angels do go to heaven and await us. I believe he is near you
        in your time of grief. Once the pain for you eases, you will feel him near once again. ❤

    • My sweet Bri died in my arms on the way to the vet. She was with me for 26 years & I am beyond heartbroken. I don’t know why or how & that has been haunting me. She was fine & playing with me then several hours later she was having seizures. Horrifying. My only comfort is that I truly believe our feathered angels are waiting for us in heaven.

      • I just lost my Stanley the same way today. Reading your post helps. Sending love from Green Bay WI

      • Our Eclectus, Neyk, was 18 months old. We had raised her from when her momma laid the egg, hatched out and we had hand fed her. She could say 58 words and phrases. She was very loving and social. She was fine, but a couple of days very quiet and wanted to stay with me all the time. She started having seizures, squawking in distress and passed Within the hour just as we arrived at the vets. Her mouth was yellow and usually was pink. We fed her parrot food and approved fruit and veggies. We miss her terribly. What might have been the cause

      • I cannot even begin to think of what may have happened, only an avian vet would be able to find out by doing a necropsy. I am so very sorry for your loss.


  2. I am not a Vet but as a long-time bird owner I seriously doubt that a visit by a family who had the flu caused the death of your bird. My husband and I have had numerous illnesses, as have others who visited us, including flu, colds, pneumonia and none of our birds have been infected. We have a 23 year-old Macaw who is around us no matter how we feel, and to be honest, never thought about taking any extra precautions when we are ill.
    Just like people, birds can die of many different causes. With a bird, they hide illnesses so you have no idea how long your bird was ill. It is more likely a coincidence of timing than a direct cause of death.

    • You sound very cold and indifferent to the loss of his bird. I lost mine last night and am searching here for reasons as to maybe why he died while he appeared to be fine just a short while before. Your comments do nothing to console.

      • I am so very sorry for your loss hun. I sadly know how heartbreaking it is to loose a feathered one.
        I understand your wanting to find answers as to why your precious one might have passed, but I also want
        to remind you that birds hide illness so well that often we do not realize they are even sick until it
        is too late. In the wilds this is to stay with their flocks, and not be left behind. The only way to truly
        know why they passed, is to have an avian vet do a necropsy. I pray your heart will mend and remember only
        the sweet moments you shared with your little one ❤


      • My Cockatiel Joly passed away March 11 2017. March 1996-March 2017. He was 21 years old. The day before he passed away he was sleeping a lot, not eating and his stools were runny and white. He was also weak. He stretched his neck and shook his head and spit up some seeds. I looked up some things. I thought maybe something was going on in his crop. I think it was just his age. That night before I put him in the cage and covered it up I held him. I rubbed his crop area. He also let me pet him. He never would let me do that. I think he was telling me it is okay. Decided to take him to the vet the next morning. Found him in the bottom of the cage that morning. I miss Joly so much. It has been really hard. My sweet baby bird.

      • I am so very sorry for your loss hun. Loosing one of these precious angels is very hard, they are like our children ❤


  3. We just lost our beloved Kiwi yesterdaywho was a 9 year old Male Eclectus, very personable, happy, talkative beautiful member of our family. He was eating and showed no signs of illness on Wednesday night when we put him in his night cage, next morning we found him dead, no explanation, and heart breaking!

    • I am so very sorry for your loss. I know how heart breaking it is to loose one of these precious Angels. If I can do anything to help, please let me know.


    • I just lost my 10 year old Myers Parrot…Miss Jersey Girl..She was healthy. last night I was baking chicken fingers. Shortly thereafter she made 4 unusual sounds, and I found her gone. I imagine from the non stick pan and aluminum foil I used…….heartbroken!

    • So sory for ur loss jeff. I just lost my 7year old eclectus. She was sick for a week and i took her to the vet today. She called in the evening to say my precious scarlet had died. Cause of death: toxins from air freshener aerosols.

      • I am very sorry for your loss also Shalane. Thank you so much for sharing and hopefully it can help someone else learn and save another feathered one ❤


  4. my parrot was whisteling and a few hours later my dad went to talk to her but she was dead. We was hoping she was playing dead because she did that to the previous owner, and the first time we got her. Anyway he went to talk to her but he just couldnt see her until he looked at the bottom of the cage and he said she was dead. He took her out and was cradeling her and checking if she was hurt, she was never under fed she was never ill. She seemed fine. i really want her back obviously i can’t so if you could tell me what could of happened to her please ):

    • First I am very sorry for your loss.

      African Greys are prone to low blood calcium. Now I do not know for sure if this was the cause but it is common and they do faint from lack of proper calcium levels. Now I am not suggesting that this is all African Greys and the only way to find out is blood work taken by your vet. I just found out that our own precious boy has this same issue and we are now treating him for it with the advice from our avian vet. This is another reason why it is so important for all of us who care for these precious ones to have good annual checkups on our parrots. They can hide illness so well and sadly sometimes we never even see the signs.

      here is a link to an article on this very subject The Importance of Calcium in Our Greys’ Diets

      • My African grey was drinking a lot of water pooping very strained
        only small amounts instead of big plops

      • Did you ever find out the reason for your parrot’s symptoms…mine had the same symptoms as yours before she passed away.

  5. my amazon parrot had died sometime between last night and this morning but he was only 2 and a half years old why did this happen so instantly he was whistle and great before we went to bed

    • First off let me express my condolences, I am so sorry you lost your precious one. I cannot even begin to suggest though why he passed away. The only way you would ever be able to find out would be through a necropsy. Birds hide illness very well and sometimes you wont even see that they are ill. This is why it is so important to have regular avian checkups done so that your vet has records and can detect issues that we often cannot even see. Again I am very sorry for your loss.


  6. Hello, I was reading all of ur conerns on this site, and I rencencly experience the same feeling of waking up in the morning and seeing our bird pasing away, and like all, I have the same question, why did this happen, how can I find out the cuse of my birds death, so I did research on it, and it could be alot of reasons both natural and un-natural… that if explain , I would of write a whole book on here, in conclusion I learned alot and now my bird sleep by my side every moring and if u love and care for ur pet its always a good idea to have insurance for medical emergency, thier for when u experience situation in doughts or concern, you will be ready to take care of ur pets health and life, so to everyone loving thier pet , please treat them with alot of care, I learned alot, by not being prepare in situations that results the losf of my first pet, mr baby blue ,

    good bless everyone, we will all maybe one day see our pets again when we reached to heaven.



  7. my scale headed parrot just died an unexpected death her name was moody
    she died July 3, 2014 that morning she was just fine she wasn’t sad or anything wasn’t depressed she talked to my mom and all that but at 1:00 my mom and me went to check on all our bird when we saw her laying dead on the bottom of her cage. at first we thought she was playing dead but when my mom touched her she didn’t move or anything. there are many thing that could of happened In the short time we where away from her. she was never got out of her cage unless my sister took her out but she was never allowed outside for to long she was never put on the floor or anything. my mom said she sometime acted like she want to lay eggs or was in heat. she always had plenty of fresh water we never fed her anything bad. it was so sudden. we never but any dangerous plant in her cage we had her for a short time my mom paid about $500 for her. she was a sweet bird.
    she could of also been home sick for her old master but we will never know \

    ? – JULY 3,2014

    • My cockatiel died on July 4, 2014, one day after yours. Reading this post reminded me of her. I miss her a lot.

      • So very sorry for your loss, and no matter how tiny their little bodies might be….they leave a huge hole in our hearts when they are gone.


  8. This afternoon my 11 year old when to feed and water out two parrots and found them both dead at the bottom of their cages. Eyes wide open on their backs. Last night was the last we heard them and this morning nothing, when the afternoon came and it was feeding time, they were found. We have a small enclosed garden on the side of our home with another house maybe 10 -15 feet between them, I wonder if the neighbors used a chemical or had flumes that led to their death. Has anyone heard of this?? I’m looking for rationale and a source as the birds had made this their home areas for over a year now. They were beautiful and friendly birds. My 3 year is sleeping now but when he awakes and discovers them gone, the heavens will hear his wrath. Any feedback would be helpful on this. Thanks

    • Are your birds outside, if so yes fumes or chemicals used in a neighboring yard can and will kill birds. My neighbors all know if they are going to spray or burn to let me know beforehand so that I can close my windows. I am so very deeply sorry for your loss.


  9. Our 15 yr old african grey Alfie died sometime between 6pm n 915pm tonight found him dead bottom of cage eyes wide open just like he fell feet 1st. I took him to the vets approx 4 week ago as he was holding his wing out n shaking. Will be sadly missed by all. Any ideas wud be appriciated joanna.

    • Without a necropsy report there is no way of knowing for sure. I do know that many Greys suffer from Low Blood calcium which will cause many health problems including seizures. When you had your Grey at the vets, did they do a blood panel? When you mentioned him holding his wing out and shaking, it made me think of the blood calcium, however there are other things that can cause that as well. Also if he was exposed to any chemicals, including perfumes or using teflon coated cookware. Possible fumes coming in the windows from chemicals being used outside or burn piles or fires? Again there are so many possibilities that it would be impossible to give you a definite or even close answer.

      I am so sorry for your loss and hope that your heart will be able to heal and remember the happier times soon.


  10. My bird named White Owl is about the sweetest bird that you can ever have.he was very lonely so we bought him another female bird. ( they are both parrots )A couple months later white owl had been limping. He is in a lot of pain right now. Since we got the female bird he has been doing that. Now we assume that the female bird did something to his foot. I looked on the internet and I saw that your bird might be limping by the nails being to long. So we cut his long nails and he is still limping and he is still in pain. He has so much trouble trying to get in the cage. I don’t like to see him in a lot of pain. Also when he is on the floor he can’t really walk so he basically uses his wings to fly to different places. Please tell me what I should do to help him. 2014

    • You need to get this baby to an avian vet asap, there is no way to tell what might be wrong without a complete examination. Nobody can diagnose over the internet. I hope you will do this quickly as birds hide illness so well, that when we do finally see signs it can be too late to help them. Please help this baby by getting to an avian vet immediately!

  11. I have lost my pet bird. We took care and loved him a lot. Like every day, we used to keep some food in his nest and he plays around and eats. One fine day, when we were back from office, we found him dead in the cage;not knowing how it happened. We are extremely dis-heartened by hit . he was like our son to us

  12. My 12 year old rose ringed died yesterday. The death was so uncertain and sudden that one could hardly accept it. He was perfectly healthy and a talking parrot. He have never been to vet but also didn’t suffer from any type of illness. Its difficult to imagine a world without him. Can you possibly tell the reason of such sudden death even in healthier parrots with no case history of any disease. Just minutes for dying he had his meal and was perfectly fine.

    • First off, I am very sorry for you loss and I do understand how painful it is to loose a precious feathered one. As for your question, there is no possible way to say what caused your bird to pass without having an avian vet do a necropsy. Also birds are very good at hiding illness, so even though you saw no signs of him being ill…he could have been ill with something you could not visually detect. You also have to understand that there are many toxins or fumes that could have caused his death. Many things that we can breath in are fatal to our birds. Candles, perfumes, teflon coating being over heated, cigarette smoke, improper ventilation from heaters, stoves and fireplaces. Many foods are toxic to our birds as well. It is very important for this reason that we do take our birds to an avian vet and keep detailed records on their weight, health etc. This gives us a far better chance of detecting an illness….before it is too late.

      Again I am so sorry for your loss and if you choose to adopt another bird in the future….please make sure that the first thing you do is take them to an avian vet for a complete workup.


  13. my pet who was like my baby sister died yesterday , we grew up together , she was in my family for 14 years , and we are like sisters , I’m constantly crying from tomorrow everyone is telling me to calm down she was just a bird , but I miss her , I can’t even leave my room , I miss her and her dead body is so much visible in front of my eyes , she was more close to my mom n dad but it seems I’m just grieving , I can’t help but crying , I miss her so much , and I feel really guilty that I couldn’t be their for her in her last moments , she died in my dad lap , mostly she died of old age but I miss her and can’t imagine her being gone she is the only best thing that was left from my childhood and I lost her too I feel devastated , I just hope she is in peace

  14. My parents and i just suffered from our Blue front Amazon named Jo-Jo suddenly died yesterday;( I don’t what happened, I was cleaning my room then I hear what I think is our blue in gold McCall named Sally squawking, but it was like her saying up but long drawn out and squawking at the same time. So then I walk in the birds room and know onece Sally sees you she stops squeaking and tlking , but I don’t see her saying anything thing and that long drawn out up and squawking sound still going on and it ended up being Jojo and he’s laying at the bottom of his cage on his side. I yell “MOM JO-JO!!” To mom which she was taking a quick nap before work and she came storming in, open his cage then went to the kitchen to get a towel to pick him up and then he was gone;( but after Jojo passed away he had some type of clear liquid coming out of his mouth? Do anyone have any idea of what happened to our family bird. The only thing I can think of is i know he had a liver condition and my mom had him sense she was around my age 14-15 years old and she 37 now and she doesn’t know how old he was though. Does anyone have any idea of what happened?
    Please&thank you
    I would really appreciate it!

    • First off I want to say how very sorry I am for your loss. There is no possible way of knowing what caused your precious one to pass though. Only an avian vet can determine that by doing a necropsy after death. I wish I could help you more, but without a complete medical workup the possibilities are just to great. I am hoping that more people will realize that our feathered ones need constant medical checkups by licensed Avian Vets….my heart does go out to you and your family ❤

  15. About a month ago on 06/14, I lost the absolute love of my life Chopper my green cheek conure. I never thought I would be a bird owner, but I fostered him for my sister in law when he was a baby after she realized a conure, 2 dogs, a husband and 2 toddlers was too much to handle. I fell wholly and completely in love with him. He was the best pet I ever had (not that I didn’t love my childhood dogs just as much). I feel like we loved each other with everything we had. It was just me and him. He was my whole life, my everything. I was always leaving early from everywhere, so I could get home to my baby. All of these accounts I’ve read of people losing their bird’s are heart wrenching. I can’t help but feel robbed though, I only had over a year with Chopper. He was taken so soon, and I have no idea why. I know I would have needed a necropsy to find out possible reasons, but I was so overcome by gut wrenching grief I couldn’t bear to think of having it done. I wasn’t in my right mind and felt the all encompassing need to bury him and have a funeral to somehow cope with the loss. From the very first day with him I obsessively learned everything I could about being a good bird mom. I bird-safed my apartment as much as possible. Fed him fresh veggies, fruits and only the best Harrison’s birdfeed daily. I handcrafted bird toys from bird safe materials or bought special bird-safe toys. For the first 8 months I had him I came home from work apprehensive every day, worrying something had happened. Only to find him overjoyed to see me walk into the apt, chirping “Hi Chopper!” at me, everytime. I cherished every moment with him, but I deeply regret not taking him for some sort of general checkup. Maybe an avarian vet would have noticed something that I didn’t. He was SO healthy and happy all the time. On the day he died I spent the whole Sunday with him. I thought he was being more loving than usual. He sneezed maybe twice randomly, but he often sneezed once or twice randomly, it was never often and I always checked his nares obsessively to check for swelling or mucus. I knew all the signs of an ill bird, and never noticed him fluffing his feathers unhealthily, his eyes were always bright and alert, he was always very active and energetic. No signs of illness other than he was extremely loving that day and seemed to want to be as close to me as he could get. I was gone two hours and I returned to a nightmare. He was laying in the bottom of his cage on his back. I panicked and tried to revive him to no avail. I’ve gone over and over and over what could have happened. I noticed his water was low. But there was water all around the house. I kept a glass of water on my bedside table always, he would drink from this when I was home, as he spent all his time on my shoulder. He spent every moment I was home outside of his cage with me. And there was water and food for him all around. I liked to hide food in random places throughout the apartment so he could have fun “foraging”. Though in my darkest moments I am wracked with guilt that he was low on water that day, in reality I know it can’t be the reason he died. I didn’t check his water every single day on the weekends bc he would be out of his cage with me the whole time with multiple other sources of water. He only spent the night in his sleeping cage on the weekends. I’ve scoured websites devoted to the top reasons for pet bird death and nothing seems to apply other than some sort of illness or disease I knew nothing about. Chopper was hand fed and my sister-in-law purchased him from a respectable bird breeder. Days and weeks continue to pass and I just can’t get past this. It was a running joke among friends coworkers and loved ones how obsessed I was with Chopper and how much I treasured him. Now he is gone and I think of my life in terms of before Chopper’s death and after. Sometimes I truly regret not getting a necropsy done, but I was truly hysterical and completely overcome when this happened. I continue to search for any consolation and am wracked by inconsolable grief and bewildered guilt. The bond I had with Chopper was inexplicable and I continue to struggle through the loss of my best friend and life companion.

    • I also baked that day before going out for the 2 hours, but it was in a completely separate room, no teflon was used and nothing burned. I had baked or cooked stuff in the oven numerous nights a week the whole time I had him, with him in the room with me the whole time. Still, the thought that this somehow contributed causes me heart to stop, everytime I think of it.

    • Mary your post completely tears my heart out hun, I am so very sorry for your loss of Chopper. He sounds like an amazing companion and sadly I know all too well the pain you are experiencing. There is something so incredibly deep and bonding with our love for our feathered ones. There is no way of even guessing of what happened to him on that final day, but hold in your heart that you gave him an amazing life while here. He never knew loneliness, pain or sadness. He knew he was loved and that is what he will carry with him forever. I myself have lost a few Angels over my lifetime and it does not ever get easier. I do however hope that you will go to an avian rescue when you are ready, and consider adopting another precious lil feathered one. There are literally thousands and thousands of birds just waiting for that special someone to want them. I hope you will let your heart help another and in the process it will help you heal a lil bit also.


      • Thank you so much for your understanding Deborah, it means more to me than you could ever know. I hope you know how appreciated you are. Coming here to this forum and seeing you post with heartfelt sympathy on everyone’s tragedies, it’s been a bittersweet solace to me. I’ve read through all of these accounts many times while trying to cope. It’s hard for people that have not owned birds to understand the incredibly strong bonds we form with them. Thank you again, so much.

    • i dont know who you are but all i can say is i went thru the exact same thing . I had a turquoise green cheek conure “Dinah ” . I dont think people understand but she was the love of my life ! same as your chopper . we were so bonded . like super bonded . i would do the same rush home after work or cut engagements short just so i could go home and be with her . She was always with me when I was home . we were literal best friends . I was in a very abusive relationship around the time and when i finally ended it he took many steps to make me pay for leaving him . He broke into my house on November 19 2019 and Tortured and killed my baby Girl Dinah . It was the worst day of my life and still haunts me to this day . I felt so close with her it was like the biggest void having her gone . Just hurts me the most is her last seconds alive were in pain and she was probably so scared , not knowing why this was happening to her . I just hope she knew her in last seconds that not all humans are bad and that her mommy loved her so much . The worst part of this story is he Lawyer up and i was never able to get him charged with Animal cruelty . It went to court but they was no wat to Technically prove it was him . he of course lied and twisted the story . I just have to have faith i know god saw every thing and knows the truth . but i am still hurting over this 3 years later . I just want to say to all bird parents i know how much it hurts to lose a feather baby.

  16. My baby grey (28/12/15) is currently being looked after by the vet, his breathing is horrible and he stopped singing last week. They think he may have a serious heart condition and well, I’ve been told to prepare for the worst 😓 the meds didn’t work, and the thought of losing my baby is terrifying, it’s lovely to read these comments because no one quite understands the relationships we have with them. I feel so worried xx

  17. My Bungle Bear has gone to join the singer’s in the sky, I’m completely devastated, he was only a baby 😪🐦

      • Thankyou so much, we went to visit him on Saturday and left him a little teddy to cuddle, that way he is never alone. The vet was so upset too, his immune system was just too immature to cope. Will be bringing him home again next week, not how I wanted it, but he will still be at home xx

  18. My African Grey sadly died this morning. He was 13 years old,young in parrot years.

    He has been my parrot since around 6 months old and for around 4 years has lived with a family member. The strange thing is, the relative who was at home every day with my parrot had recently gone into hospital- and is still there. It has only been in the last few days that my bird has taken unwell. I think there is maybe a slight connection with it being alone and being unwell.
    He started behaving a little strange at the end of last week and being very quiet, not eating much food etc…he very occasionally screamed the house down…he had done this in years previous when the house was quiet and people in other rooms as a way of getting our attention. Over the last few days when he was doing it he looked in real discomfort and had his left wing wide out. At first I thought he had maybe hurt his wing or leg and it was his cry for help.
    I booked an appointment for my avian vet – which was supposed to be this morning. I was getting increasingly worried about him and called them late on Friday afternoon to try and get an emergency appointment. They told me that they could see him but they would have to take him over the weekend but even then, couldn’t do much specialist care- more just looking after him.
    I actually put him in his travel cage and he immediately perked up. Whistling, talking and even eating some food. I thought that maybe he would be ok until today and I would take special care of him over the weekend.
    Sadly this wasn’t the case and he began to get really unwell looking on Saturday evening. He freaked out (which I now know was a seizure) and fell from his cage. I immediately comforted him and took him to the small animal hospital. They kept him over the weekend and provided regular updates.
    They checked his calcium which appeared within normal range, gave him painkillers and drop fed him food which he reacted well to.
    I was due to collect him this morning and take him to the avian vet for more specialist care but he died about an hour before I got there.

    I’m sad because I wish there was more I could have done and will always think- I should have taken him to the avian vet on Friday afternoon but still unsure what that would have helped with.

    Now is the hard part of telling my relative and her companion when she is still in hospital…. And having the option of burial or cremation of him.

    • I am so very sorry for your loss ❤ These babies are so good at hiding their illness, that we do not always notice until it is very late. Again I am very sorry for your loss ❤

    • I am so very sorry for your loss ❤ Birds can hide illness so well that we dont always notice that they are even sick. The bond we form with them is also an
      amazing relationship that is not something others can always understand unless they too have shared their heart and lives with a parrot. I do pray for you
      to find comfort soon. Your feathered one is close by, once the pain begins to subside a bit you may be able to feel him near by you. ❤

  19. My precious Blue & Gold Macaw Lyla started screaming this morning at 3am… My husband turned the light on, she was hanging on to the side of her cage. She immediately fell to the bottom of her cage and started shaking like she was having a seizure. She passed away shortly after. I drove the 3 hour trip home… I’ve never been so heart broken in my life. She would have been 15 on August 27th, way to young to go.. We live 3 hours from an aviary vet and I regret so much for not ever taking her in for regular check ups.

    • I am so very sorry for your loss. I know the pain of loosing one and it never gets easier. They are our children with feathers.

      I hope others read this and also understand the need for an avian vet and regular checkups. I hope it can give you some solace that you are now sharing your experience and possibly helping another ❤

  20. Beeker, our sweet 2 1/2 year old umbrella cockatoo, died while we were at lunch today. About 2 months ago he fell off his perch during the night and seemed to have a “limp foot” or what appeared to be in a cramped position. It took a few days but seemed to get better. But he stopped flapping, laughing and being his funny self. No appetite difference, change in droppings, nothing. It almost appeared as if he had a stroke. Well after several weeks he started talking and trying his flapping again but seemed winded with any sort of activity and his feet would get cold. Is it possible he had a massive stroke or heart attack from a heart problem? We didn’t take him to a vet because again no appetite or dropping changes. If he had a heart problem could they have fixed it? Just so sad and upset that maybe we didn’t realize something was wrong. Thank you

    • Unfortunately there is no way of telling what may have happened without a necropsy done after he passed. The fall could have been from multiple reasons, but he also may have injured himself internally. Birds will hide illness and injury as much as possible, it is their nature to do so. Anytime something unusual happens, it is imperative that they be seen by an avian vet. I am so very sorry for your loss, I am sure you loved Beeker very much. I hope others will see this post and hopefully learn something for their own precious ones. A personality change, or change in behavior can signify something is wrong.

  21. My parrot is really deprresed, in his cage he has various sticks to climb and he also has a lot of swings and he only stands still in the bottom of his cage like if he was very weak (he is kind of weak) does anybody know why this might be happening??

    • have you taken him in for a checkup? He could be frightened of the items in the cage if they are new? Birds need all new things introduced slowly. However you said he is weak and only sitting in the bottom of his cage, which concerns me greatly. I would be taking him into an avian vet asap hun.

  22. Do you know if Blue-Fonted Amazon bird can die of grief? My parrot passed away because he was forced to be in his cage by an inspector. He hates being in his cage. The inspector insisted so we put him in the cage and had to keep him in the cage. He cried and cried until he passed away…

    • No only a few hours should not have harmed him, however if he was incredibly stressed that could have created a sudden traumatic health issue. There is really no way for anyone to guess at what caused this though. The only way to know for sure would be having a necropsy done. If he had existing health issues, then the stress from being caged might have brought this one.

      I am so very sorry for the loss of your beloved Amazon ❤

      Others who are reading this, please be sure to do regular avian vet checkups for your feathered ones.
      Regular checkups can catch health issues and a tragedy like this one might have been avoided. I know many are not aware of the need, but I am hoping and praying that we can change that together ❤

  23. hi I bought my parrot a food wheel for his cadge put it in last night got up this morning and he had eaten the whole lot will he be ok

  24. I’ve got up this morning & found my 10 year old African grey on his back at bottom of cage, still warm. I can’t think what’s happened except if my 2 1/2 year old Christmas toy electric car has scared him as that what he did as soon as he got into lounge while I went to kitchen. I thought my African was quite hardy though as there been a lot of noises/things happen over the years in a lot of shock & very upset & confused

    • I am so terribly sorry, there is no way to know for sure unless you have a necropsy done. I am again so sorry for your loss though as I do know how very painful it is loosing and Angel.

  25. I took my Amazon Parrot to the vet this past Monday for a nail trim and wing clip and during the procedure the vet noticed that “PB” seemed to have lost weight since his last visit. She stated that it would require a thorough exam so I returned the next day to have blood work, x-ray and general observation. I collected him that afternoon and was prescribed “Orbax” by Merck, which is a anti bacterial oral medication. His blood work was sent out to Vet Scan. Well, I gave PB his first dose on Tuesday night and Wednesday he acted a little lethargic and had no appetite. Following the vets instructions I again gave him the Orbax last night. Today I went to give his breakfast and he was dead on the bottom of his house. I can understand probability and coincidence, however it seems highly suspicious that my 20 year old beloved pet would be dead after taking the Merck drug. I am devastated thinking that I gave my pet a medicine that brought about his demise. He is and will be forever in my thoughts. Are there any other documented cases of parrot death and Orbax? Thank you.

    • I am so very sorry hun, I can understand how much this hurts. I am not sure about the medication you mentioned….but hoping others may come along and give you their personal experience
      with it. Did the vet say what was wrong and why they were prescribing the medication? Birds hide illness so well, it could be your precious one was ill for some time and it just wasnt noticed. Not saying it is your fault in the least…this is what birds do. Again though I am so very sorry and will pray your heart can heal and remember all the wonderful times soon.


  26. I am on this site trying to figure out what on earth. Genevieve was about 20 years old, African Grey. I heard something around twelve last night that woke me. I got up and heard a gasping for air or something and started to search. I was half asleep so disoriented. I finally went to Genevieve’s cage and took the cover off and there in the bottom of the cage she lay grasping the cage and struggling to breath. I carefully pried her feet loose and cuddled her to my chest and she looked up at me gasping. I sat wondering what on earth I could I do. I massaged her so carefully and held her with love. Suddenly she passed and I knew she was in the best place, where she loved being the most, with me. She was crazy about me. An era has passed. W e lost our son Hunter Garner June 10, 2007. projectyellowlight.com
    Hunter loved Genevieve and now she sits on his shoulder in heaven together forever.
    I will meet with you there my dears make a place for me please.
    Love you so much,
    Farewell, Lowell

    • I am so sorry for your loss hun. I know the pain of loosing a feathered child. Without a necropsy, there is no positive proof of why your beloved Genevieve passed. African Greys do have an issue with absorbing and processing much needed calcium and sadly many are not aware of this issue. I share this as often as I can in the hopes of others sharing and possibly educating more on the need of calcium for all our African Greys. I lost my own dear Toby due to his own lack of calcium and so this is one of my missions to help others in hopes that maybe their precious angels can not succumb to this.

      I do agree with you that your Son Hunter and Genevieve are now together in the very best possible place….much love to you and ty for sharing your story with us ❤

  27. I lost my cockatiel today. I thought she was tired last night because of moulting. Took her to the bird clinic in the morning because her poo didn’t look good and she was lethargic. He was going to keep her “hospitalized” until tuesday over the long weekend (easter) just to keep an eye on her but thought it was probably a crop infection. He called me a few hours later that she passed away, either a heart attack or kidney failure. I feel like i should have known, i should have done something different. I got her when she was barely 2 weeks old, a baby. She would have been 8 this April, too early for a cockatiel. All I know is that she went very quickly and hopefully didn’t suffer too long. I still have a budgie (they were in separate cages but i’m sure she knows). Birds are my closest life companians – clearing away the empty cage is without doubt one of the worst snd hardest things i’ve gone through. I cannot begin to express the pain of this loss- like losing a very close family member. You know that birds don’t live forever and you try to prepare for the day but no matter what, it hits you suddenly and horribly and the grief is unlike any other.
    RIP Big Bird
    12.4.08 – 25.03.16

  28. Hi guys please can someone help me? My african grey has been sick for 2 days now….she doesnt talk or sing anymore……doesnt want too eat or drink….and she seems too have seizures, gets paralysed in 1 leg and keeps on falling off her perch. I took her to a vet this morning but they have no clue and say it might be a brain parasite or vitamin B defiency? …i havent read any off these sickness’s….please can someone give me some advice?

    • What kind of vet did you take her to? She needs an avian vet for sure and they can do blood work and other tests to help find out what is wrong. It is imperative that this precious one be seen as soon as possible as birds hide illness so well she could have been sick for awhile and her symptoms are serious. I will keep you in my prayers and thoughts hun


  29. Thanks my parrot bobby was dead today when I uncovered his cage he as been of for a few days.although he was not off his food.he was not talking and sleeping a lot.can t explain why hes had the same food he as had for years guess its just one of those things.

  30. Hello,today my two little girls rainbow lorikeet parrot died, 6/5/16 name was rainbow,it was a beautiful hand raised parrot we loved very much,what to say he was here today and the next in a blink of a eye forever gone,he was a happy bird shared many memories with us which we will always remember I do like to mention this past week or two his feather started to fall off he did look alittle sick but was not much noticeable,just wanted to know if it’s normal for their feathers to fall.
    Thank you for your time

    • Birds do molt and shed feathers but if a lot were missing to the point of the bird not looking well, then it could have been something else. I am so sorry for the loss of your feathered one ❤

  31. My Mealy Amazon parrot of 29 years died this morning. She started plucking feathers on her right leg and had been on antibiotics and inflammatory meds for about a week. She seemed improved the last two days, but this morning I heard her fall off her perch and when I went to pick her up she had a hard time balancing and holding on. I knew this was very bad and held her for about 15 minutes while she died. I’m very sad but glad I was able to hold her and also that she didn’t suffer. She did seem to have a neurological problem with that same leg about a year ago; at the time we thought is was an injury. She improved and her Vet didn’t think there was any other problem. When I took her in last week she seemed to have a staph infection where she had been plucking, and the vet thought that she might have an inflamed liver or fatty ; we were to do blood tests this Thursday if she still was ill. I don’t know how old she really was because when my husband bought her as a gift for me, they told him she was a male, 5 years old, was a blue fronted amazon and could talk, I don’t know her age but everything else that was told to me was incorrect. I loved my Mealy, non talking, neurotic Amazon very much. I will miss her.

    • Oh hun I am so very sorry for your loss, I pray that your heart can heal quickly so you can remember all the wonderful times you had with your precious one. I know it is like loosing a child and only those of us with these precious feathered ones can truly understand how close we are with these precious lil Angels. Take comfort that she is flying free now in the most beautiful place possible, she will be waiting for you to reunite someday ❤


  32. I am sad to say I just lost my little bird suddenly today and now I am very curious to know what really happen to him. He was all well roaming around in house had food. When I came back home in the evening he was sitting quietly on top of his cage. Then suddenly he dropped himself backward on the floor flapping his feather and feet stiffed backward. He couldn’t stand. I took him to vet he gave some medicine and oxygen for a while but he started to breath with an open mouth and till the time I took him back home he died :(.

    Can anyone help me understand what could be the problem. Vet said it was due to some toxicity that can happen due to some paint or all. But we are not having any paint job or any other household job in our house. He just had some boiled rice in the afternoon and cockatiel seeds.

    • I am so sorry for your loss, but unfortunately there is truly no way to know certain without Avian Vet testing. It could be from a multitude of things. There are so many things in our homes that are toxic to our birds, candles, cleaning products, teflon cookware, perfumes, smoking, air fresheners…the list goes on and on. He could have chewed off some wall paint even, doesnt have to be fresh paint. There are also many foods that are toxic to our birds. So there is literally no way of being able to help you with this, and I am so sorry.


      • Thanks for a quick reply Deborah, I was just asking so that I will be more careful for my other birds. My second bird is not eating now and keeps on shouting for the lost bird. How much time she will take to get normal or shall I bring her another friend.

      • They grieve the same as we do, so the amount of time can vary for each bird. Give this one a lot of love and understanding. Talk with her/him and let them know that their friend is gone. Comfort them as best as you can and be patient. A new friend will never replace the lost one. In fact a new friend could possibly not work at all and your current bird could hate the new one. Lots of Love and TLC for your bird. Encourage her to eat by eating with her. Share as much time with her as you possibly can. If she continues not to eat you may want to get her into the vet for testing asap. I wish you both well and hopefully both of your hearts will heal quickly ❤


  33. My cockatiel has been a little off since Sunday. Fluffed up on bottom of cage sleeping.Thought he maye just be tired. Woke up this morning and he had died. I don’t know what could of caused this.

  34. My parrot Fred, died last night, of unknown causes..
    He was a Green Cheek Conure, and I grew up with him..
    My grandmother got him when I was three, in 1996..
    He would give us kisses, have full blown conversations with us..
    It’s so hard to lose him, my poor baby Fred.
    They are fantastic pets.

  35. After 14 years of sharing many a laugh, even sometimes annoyed because she could be obnoxious ☹️, I lost my friend, my little buddy Parrot Cuca. She was fisty, funny, loud, loved me and I loved her. She passed away in my home after coming back from the vet where they said she either had a very bad lung infection or lung cancer. He didn’t give her much of a chance and she died hours later today in my home. I see from all the posts, it is quite common for a parrot to seem okay one day and become critically ill the next. After a God awful final yell, she stopped breathing and left me forever. I don’t know how I am going to deal with her not being here…not hearing her singing, throwing kisses, whistling and when she was in one of her moods she let me know 😭Miss you my love. RIP Cuca

    • I am so very sorry for your loss, I know all too well the heartache it brings. Parrots hide illness so well, due to their natural instincts from the wilds. In the wild they will be left behind if ill, so they learn to cover it up and carry on till it is truly too late. This is why I try to stress the importance of annual checkups which include blood draws. My hope is that illness can be detected and these precious ones have a better chance of living longer.

      Again I am so sorry for your loss, I will keep you in my prayers and thoughts


  36. My parakeet kiki that we adopted from someone who found her outside died this morning!😖 I’m 13 and I’m really really upset! I took her to the vet and they said she was fine but last night she fell off her perch so I held her for an hour then put her in her cage.my two other parakeets cuddled her for the last time!😔😔😔😔😔

  37. I have a 14 week old Green cheek conure, that is Heavy breathing, off balance head bubbling in circles, sleeping, won’t play. What should I do?? There are no bird vet in my area!!

  38. My 3 1/2 year old parrotlet ‘Buttercup’ died in my palm this morning around 11:30. The painters had just started painting our house yesterday and sealed up most of the windows with plastic. I don’t know if the painting fumes were the cause, but I strongly feel that it was. Buttercup was fine last nite, but this morning, she did not call out to be brought out from her cage. By 11am, I looked in on her and she was on the lowest perch. I picked her up and saw that she could not stand or walk. Within 30 mins, she died immediately after letting out 2 calls that I assume were sounds of distress. I am grief stricken. My precious bird was so full of life. I was hoping that she would have become old with our family.

    • I am so very sorry for your loss. Birds airways are so delicate and many things that do not effect humans can be highly toxic to birds. Sadly paint fumes are very
      toxic to birds. Even when using the non VoC paints, one has to be very careful in keeping the birds away from the fumes and have fresh air. Your suspicions of it
      being the paint fumes is very likely the issue.

      Thank you so much for sharing this with us and hopefully others will read it and learn also. There are so many things that we continue to learn about birds and it
      is people like you that share your sad losses that helps others to learn.

      Again I am so sorry for your little one and for you as well. I know how hard it is when we loose a precious feathered one ❤


  39. I have a 21 year old Senegal parrot, he’s always been a healthy bird! For about 2 days he has barely been eating, just wants to be petted and will eat small amounts! His breathing seems heavy and just acting strange!
    All the vets are closed & can’t get him in until Monday!
    He is my baby & I’ve been watching him non stop, any ideas to what could be happening?

    • So sorry your lil one is ill, I really cannot give any advice and the different reasons would be far too many to even list.
      Keep him warm and hydrated and see if there are any emergency avian vets around. I will be praying for you both ❤


  40. What is the reason of my parrots death.
    2 days before the death it doesnt eat any thing and at the moment before dieying it breaths heavily with open mouth and i take my parrot to hospital they take an injection and give a tablet after sometime it died in my mothers hand by looking at us…….and the eyes closed.what could be the reason??

    • I am very sorry for your loss, but only an avian vet can possibly tell you the reason for your bird passing. There are far too many reasons to even begin
      to try and guess what could have happened. Again though I am very very sorry for your loss.


  41. My 5 months old baby grey parrot die 3 days ago
    I don’t know what happened to him but he seems to be sick
    He is playing with me for morning till 2 pm he is acting normal till 2 pm.
    After that he closed his eyes but he is still standing . I thought that he is ill so I take him to vent he game me some madicine after taking medicines at 10 pm he died exactly at 10:30 pm
    I felt very sad due to his cause
    I pray to Allah that he is waiting for me in the heaven
    May we meet again my tweety. IN SHAA ALLAH

  42. Hi my blue and gold macaw won’t eat her parrot food or vegetables or fruit she is losing wait and now falls off her perch your advice would be well appreciated thanks

    • make sure you give the bird lots of fresh air, a great deal will depend on how long the bird was exposed to the fumes/odor and proximity to the bird. I would call your nearest avian vet to make sure what their advice is.


  43. I’m at such a loss right now. I stumbled across this page in a desperate attempt to find out what took my beloved Squeaker away from me so unexpectedly and suddenly. He was a four and a half year old Black Capped Conure and my absolute pride and joy, the light of my life and my emotional compass. He passed away yesterday (November 1st, 2016) and I have absolutely no idea how or why. Just that morning we were having a “whistle war” and having a blast. He was energetic, alert, and his goofy little self just like always. Last night, I was doing my regular rounds and checking everyone’s food and water. When I got to his cage, he wasn’t on his rope. I found him on the bottom of his cage, gone. I have never felt such intense devastation as I am still feeling over this loss. He wasn’t on his back, but instead on his belly with his wings ever so slightly outstretched, like maybe he lost balance and fell too hard. But he was a clumsy bird and ALWAYS fell. I know the only way to find out for sure is to do a necropsy, but I just can’t stand the thought of someone taking him apart like that. He never liked being messed with, he couldn’t stand even a single feather out of place. I miss him to a level I did not know was possible. What do I do without my SqueakerBoy? I keep asking myself, but I just can’t seem to answer.

    • I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. I completely understand how you are feeling, the loss is devastating that only those who have feathered ones can fully understand. My heart breaks for you and wish I could give you gentle hugs right now. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers and your precious SqueakerBoy as well.


  44. i had a african grey parrot (angel) she was an amazing bird she was constantly loved by me my mom and little sister. angel was always getting out of her cage and walking around on the floor and she was always whistling and making funny and new noises. well one day we came home and she was making a muffled chirp and my mom was told she was just making her mating noise so we were like okay and then the next day she was fine she was playing with me on the floor she was walking around and biting me and then today she was found dead by my lilttle sister….. she will be very missed we love you angel
    you were once our angel now your gods forever in our hearts

  45. Hi. I have an aftican grey and he is almost 2 years old. He was talking alot and very loud and now suddenly he talks much less and when he does talk it is very soft. What could this mean. I am really worried about him. He has always been a happy fibrant bird. He eats and drinks normally. It just his talking behaviour that has changed.

    • Any king of sudden changes in behavior warrant a visit to an avian vet asap. Birds hide illness very well and so when we do notice any changes they need to see a proper vet immediately. Please do so and keep me posted.


  46. My Blue Amazon has not bn at herself this last 24hrs not talking seems sleep an cold she is always lively an talking but nothing an she seems now to b going of her food an not drinking

  47. December 3 2016 My parrot died and I cried and cried the lost of my Tango that was it’s name. It has been 6 days and I still don’t understand how this happened. That is how I clicked on this page. To all who lost one my condolences. May they RIP

    • I am so very sorry for your loss hun.

      As to your question, healthy food is just one part of what keeps a bird healthy, there is no way to know why your bird passed unless you had a necropsy performed on your bird after she passed. A bird needs a healthy diet, regular avian vetting checkups, exercise, toys, social time etc.


  48. I have got 1 new love bird two days before I.e on 24th dec 2016 at afternoon. That bird was quite silent n that bird initially was not coming in my hand then on 25th dec she started to come on my hand and started playing. But late night bird was shivering so I put some small clothes under her(wrapped her) so that on very next day i can take her to vet. But on next day i saw her in cage her eyes was not blinking , as i touch her she start flapping then i started crying. As i took to vet DR. Told that my bird got stroke n she is very serious bcoz of which she get hurt in eyes n even she is unconscious. I beg to doctor to cure but she said there is no chance of survival… I love my baby….

    • There are so many possible reasons, that I could not even begin to guess. If they were from the same clutch, they could have been ill when you brought them home. Other reasons could be toxins in the home, candles, perfumes, teflon, almost all cleaning products and the list goes on and on. I am so very sorry for your losses and wish I could be of more help ❤


  49. Yesterday, I lost my Jenday Conure named Kiwi. She was the best birdie companion I could have ever asked for. She was with me for 6 and 1/2 years. I purchased her while she was young in the summer of 2010 after two previous owners didn’t want her. She’s such a beautiful bird; overall with high orange coloring.
    She began acting strange on Saturday morning; feathers fluffed up, no talking and seemed lethargic with her wings drooping a little low to her body. She wasn’t talking and was making short squawking noises while bobbing her head and would try and sleep. This never happened before. Noticed her poop was black with white instead of the normal green color with white. Took her to the avian vet and they discovered she has a yeast infection after a gram stain and xray. I was given anti fungal meds for her and gave them to her that night. She slept on her ring that night. Sunday she seemed better and was perkier but not herself. She would take treats and food from me, drank water but she was not full strength. She said her name twice on Sunday and it was the last time I would hear her talk…Monday she was getting weaker and fell twice trying to stay on her perch near her favorite 2 toys but she wanted to be up there so badly. I took her back to the avian vet for help and they put her in an incubator with oxygen and injected her with fluids and an antibiotic. She had lost weight. Took her home and put her in a small animal habitat with towels, warmth and food. She slept through the night and made one poop with the black with white again Tuesday morning. I checked on her all night from Monday into Tuesday. I let her sleep and took her out gently Tuesday morning to give her food and water via oral syringe, then some meds a couple hours later. I held vigil near her and watched her sleep. I stepped away for a very short time and heard her squawk, I rushed to her, scooped her up, held her and she died quickly with me cradling her in my arms telling her I loved her.
    I am empty and besides myself with grief. She called for me in the mornings and at night when she heard me come home from work. She was happy, loving, smart, curious and such a joy in my life. I cannot sleep and my home now has an eerie silence that I wish was filled with her birdie sounds. I will love her forever. 😢

      • Deborah I wish I found ur article earlier. I lost a child of mine on 12th Feb. And a nother yesterday.mu kids were so precious to me. I’m in utter shock. I had 7 parrots in all. But now left with 3. The other two had died due to dirreah. And sadly among those three two are yet parties of phunenia. Docs have gave up. I now just sit and count clocks. I am so so lonely. I just had them in my world. They were so small and so young.

      • I am so very sorry for your losses. I can only imagine how difficult it would to loose more than one precious angel. My heart goes out to you hun ❤


  50. I lost my poor Ruby today! She was a healthy stunning 12 year old African Grey. Yesterday she was bathing eating and drinking. She use to bite me and chase me with open wings and a charge so she would seldom come out her cage. Her death is unknown and it’s really bugging me and my husband! She was fine this morning and after dropping kids at school 10 minutes later she was laying eyes open on her back at the bottom of her cage. What could have happened?! I’m heart broken and feel sick to my stomach! I miss her dearly and don’t know how to move on. This will be so painful for a long time!!!

    • I am so very sorry for your loss and I can empathize with the grief you are feeling. Without a necropsy performed, it is impossible to know what caused your precious Angel to pass. My prayers are with you and your precious Ruby ❤


  51. My male eclectic parrot had a broken blood tail feather. I’ve been cleaning it and putting antibiotic ointment on it twice a day for 2 days. It’s still swollen and today I’ve noticed that he has not pooped…..don’t have money for a vet. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    • I truly cannot give any medical advice but you should probably not be putting any sort of antibiotic ointment on him. Most of them are very toxic to birds. The only thing I ever use on a broken tail feather is to dip it into flour or cornstarch to keep it from bleeding. Most vets will be willing to work out a payment plan for you and I feel since you were using antibiotic ointment, he truly needs to be seen by an avian vet asap. I am so sorry, please keep me posted.


  52. I have a Alexander parrot she as been by herself for 3 to 4 year I think. I want to breed my Alexander parrot with a male Alexander parrot. But I am not to shore that she will not kill him. I guess my question is what will happen if I buy a male Alexander parrot and put him and her together what should I look for so that she will not kill him. Please let me asap. I really want to breed them. Thank you so much. By the way my name is Adam Gifford.

    • Firstly I have to say that I am totally against breeding of any parrots in captivity. That being said you should also be aware that you cant just put two birds together and expect them to get along, they might or they might hate one another. Very dangerous thing to even try, especially if you love your current Alexander Parrot. The reason I am against breeding of any kind, is due to the thousands upon thousands of parrots in rescues and sanctuaries already. Parrots have long lives and most people are not set up to deal with them properly and so once the newness wears off, these precious angels are tossed aside. Parrots require a lot of education, time, proper foods (which can be expensive) and proper avian vetting. If you want company for your parrot, then by all means adopt another bird but keep them at a safe distance and in separate cages of course. Currently I have 11 birds all from rescue and guess what….only two of them truly like each other and they are both males lol.
      Adam I hope you truly reconsider and do not try to breed your precious Angel. Also I hope you go to your nearest rescue and take a look at all the birds waiting for a new home and maybe it will help you to see my perspective on the subject.


  53. My parrot is behaving weird since tommorow idk wht happnds to himbt e started being quite
    N he s not like dat he whistles daily every time
    Now he being angry upon all..

  54. Hagrid is doing much better. He is pooping but still not normal. the swelling has gone down alot. If his body does not push out the stump of a broken blood feather, I will have to try and remove it.

    • please be careful when removing the broken blood feather, it can be very painful to your precious feathered one.
      I am so glad he is doing better, ty for letting me know.


  55. I lost my Parrot this morning at 5.50am. He’s with me for 20 years…. every up n down in my life he’s there with me… he can sing very well and notice me coming from far. i really cant take it that he’s no more. I really look after him very well but now hes no more. Feel so sad and guilty. Realy missed him so much. May he rest in peace.
    For those who have parrots…please take care of them well… you will only miss them when they are not around you.

    • So, sorry to hear about your loss. I lost my parrotlet last year, so I understand the sadness that you are feeling. Time passing will help, but we never forget the ache of losing a loved one. Take care.

  56. I have a question. my green Amazon parrot all of the sudden he scream very loud and landed inside his cage, and stays with legs up in the air screaming, then stops and doesn’t move for a while.
    Would you please give me an idea what it can be?
    Thank you very much!

    • Did he pass away then? I am very sorry, however I couldnt possibly say what happened. I am not an avian vet and even an avian vet would have to examine the bird to find out what was wrong.


  57. Almost 3 weeks after my 14 year old Harlequin Macaw died unexpectedly under Anesthesia, the shock and devastation I feel are enormous. My “World Renknowned” Veterinarian feels it’s best to put them under for Exam, Blood Work, and grooming, rather than cause them stress. I feel this belief and practice caused my girl’s death. Veterinarians I had used previously always resorted to “Gentle Restraint”. Anesthesia was used for surgery and emergencies only. In my Harlequin’s case, the Necropsy showed a Slightly Enlarged Heart. Unfortunately, she was Asymptomatic, so there was no way of knowing this, outside of X-Rays, or a Necropsy. Furthermore, her laboratory work (run after Anesthesia was administered) showed extremely high Bile Acid Levels of 150. There are always risks of Anesthesia of course, but that is exactly why Anesthesia should not be administered routinely, and only as a last resort. This Practice dispences it like candy. I was told by this Veterinarian, out of 1000 parrots, this might happen to 5. Pretty good statistics, but my cherished parrot was one of those 5, and I feel proper restraint could have prevented this. I am sure I will heal one day, but this is the most traumatic and painful experience of my life. I have confusing and conflicting feelings. I would appreciate any input and advice you could offer me (good, bad, or indifferent), and I thank you in advance.

    • I am so very sorry for your loss hun. I completely agree that anesthesia should only be used as a last resort. I have never had an avian vet that did this for simple exams or blood work. I do understand your vets concern with stress and I am in no means an expert on the subject.

      Mainly though I just want you to know how terribly sorry I am for your loss. I understand the pain of loosing a feathered one and it takes a huge piece of our heart <3. I hope that your heart can mend and you will be able to remember the beautiful memories the two of you shared. I am sure your precious angel is still around you. I just wish I could give you a hug from one feathered caregiver to another, these are our babies ❤


      • Thank you for your kind words and support Deborah. I learned a valuable, albeit painful, lesson indeed. I feel if I can help other people avoid this devastation, by creating awareness, then maybe her death wasn’t completely for naught. Fortunately, almost all Avian Veterinarians in my area (besides this one, which is World Reknowned, and in practice 40+ years) would always employ Gentle Restraint, whenever possible. I will be using them in the future. I feel very guilty, and I have complete regret for letting my guard down with her. Everyone should do what feels right to them, but please remember…Deadly Anesthetic Reactions can occur even in the healthy, let alone when there are unknown diseases present. Proceed with caution and awareness always!! I wish everyone a safe and happy remainder of the year.

      • After your heart mends, I hope you will find that you can adopt another precious Angel. None ever replace the ones we lost, but I think those who passed would like to see us allow another into our hearts ❤


  58. I don’t Know what to do I got up this morning and she’s limp almost she’s breathing very slow and very wobbly what can I do

  59. Can you help me with my problem ?
    I had two birds male and female a month ago and since the first time i brought them home they were very scared i could tell although I’m not an expert, but tweeted a little on the first day. Days passed and they didn’t tweet or make any sound only very rarely but they were active and moving. Sometimes i would even feed them with a spoon in hand. They were provided with water and seeds and always made sure they had enough. I noticed the female breathes hard like it can be seen her moving her body while breathing unlike the male but i thought it was normal. Four days ago she started shaking and making weird noises like screams as if she was chocking and the she stopped. Two days later, i was noticing weird behavior from her because he was asleep and she would climb on him and wake him up. But I thought it was normal 😦 i left home and came back and she was died . He was hurt standing on top of her. His legs seemed hurt and cant move excpet his head and he died later on before i could do anything. I dont know what happened or if it was my fault, I’m so sad and blaming myself for not knowing anything. 😦

    • I am so sorry for your loss but there truly is no way of me knowing how they passed, only an avian vet would be able to determine that with a necropsy.

      There are so many things that are toxic to birds in our homes, smoking, any cleaning products, perfumes, candles, Teflon cookware, febreeze and all air fresheners, the list goes on and on. However it may have been that these babies were ill when you brought them home also. I wish I had a better answer for you. I hope that your heart will mend and hopefully you can adopt a bird in the future.


      • Thank you for replying and answering, you’re a good help. You were right, I consulted my cousin who lives in a different town and is an expert on birds, he said they were sick from the beginning. Now he came to town and got me two budgie birds and now i realized the difference between them and the ones who died. They are cheerful and move around the cage. Everytime we watch the t.v, the male chirps and sings with the sounds coming from the t.v. They seem healthy thank god. But I noticed the female grabs the cage bars alot. She also flapps her wings alot. Sometimes i lift the cage and take them outside for some fresh air, while lifting i notice the male is like stretching his wings. So i dont know what that means, is it possible they need a bigger cage to fly around? Also i noticed they like the swing inside the cage alot and there’s only one and i notice them argue like until one gets the swing, is that normal? Because I’m afraid the argues escalate.

      • The stretching of the wings is very normal and also flapping them, if they dont have enough room to fly then they will do what they can by stretching. You always want to give birds the biggest cage possible ( just make sure the bars are spaced properly so they cant get in between them and escape)so that they can move around. I would also get two swings since they are arguing over the one. They also need toys to play with and keep them occupied and busy, this is very important for their mental health and also keeps their beaks in shape.

        This is the cage my daughter recently got for her two parakeet




    • I am glad you have a good avian vet to help your precious feathered one. I will certainly keep your “Sweetie” in my thoughts and prayers.

      I started helping others when one of my own precious ones died from a very poor diet before I got her. I made her a promise and I will keep it as long as I possibly can. We actually called her Sweetie also. She was the start of my dedication to birds everywhere, even though I grew up with birds for most of my life.

      She is the reason for my promise


  61. My father passed away of a tragic accident this February. He has a pet African Grey named tooky, he raised her and fed her as a baby when he was in college, she is about 24 now. They had a very strong bond, she would not let anyone touch her including my mother who also fed her as a chick. At first you could tell that she was grieving in a way over not seeing him anymore. She had a decrease in appetite and was not nearly as vocal. It’s been 6 months now, and she is starting to act a little happier. I was wondering if there would be any chance that I could try to establish a new bond with her. I’ve been opening her cage doors and after a while of trying to close them shut she will climb around her cage. One day she bit me(not hard) when I tried to pick her up off the cage, so intead I used a long perch like object to pick her up. From there she let me pick her up, stretching her foot out to my hand when I offered. I then talked to her and walked around with her slowly. This is as closest contact we have had. I would like to do this more, but I’m always nervous that she will bite my hand when I’m offering my hand as a pirch. I sing and talk to her all the time and feed her bananas and other fruits which she enjoys. Do you have any advice on how to get her more comfortable with me so that she doesn’t want to bite me? Would she ever establish a new bond with another person?

    • Absolutely she can establish a new bond, my home is full of birds that all came from another home where they loved someone. It can take time but it is so worth it for both of you. Continue everything you are doing, never forcing her and let things always go at her pace. Read these articles and I am sure that you and Tooky will have a good relationship. It sounds as though she is wanting and needing you now also.

      Positive Reinforcement

      Continue using the perch until you are both more comfortable. She will feel when you are nervous. Her using her beak gently was her showing she was nervous as well. Eventually you will both become comfortable with one another and stepping up will happen without a perch I promise. Birds do use their beaks to step up to make sure you are not going to pull away also and drop them.

      Also a video I made on just this subject with Lisa Moser from Soft Landings Rescue

      Soft Landings Myth on Parrot Bonding

      Keep me posted and if you have any other questions please do not hesitate to ask


  62. my african grey gucci lost some of her memory wont play with toys she has changed in the last 2 days she is 22 yrs still talks well not responding to commands its like she doest remember did she have a mini stroke taking her to avian vet 8 14 2015 please respond thanks ray

    • I really have no way of telling what exactly has happened to her. Greys can have an issue with not processing calcium properly but the only way to know for sure what is wrong is getting her into an avian vet asap. They can run tests and find out for sure what is happening. I wish you both the very best and hopefully you can find out quickly what is wrong and have an easy fix for her.


  63. I found my12 year old African Grey dead in his cage this morning and have crying most of the day. He was smart, sassy and funny and the only pet I’ve ever had that told me he loved me in words. I’ve been feeling guilty and wondering if I did something wrong and came across this forum. I feel better after reading other experiences and your sympathetic answers. Thank you. His name was Odell and he was very special. I also have a 24 year old cockatiel, so I guess I am capable enough. I don’t know how much longer he will last, especially without his noisy buddy around. Thanks for letting me get this out of my system. You’re only the second person I’ve told.

    • I am so sorry for your loss hun and yes I do understand completely how very heartbreaking it is to loose a feathered one ❤ Sadly I have no way of even guessing what could have happened. I am constantly learning myself better ways to do things and found out so many things I did in the past were completely wrong. We all make mistakes but that is not to say that you did. Keep reading and learning and hopefully one day your heart will be ready to adopt another bird. There are literally thousands and thousands in need of homes. I have 11 all adopted and all so amazing and loving, I am so glad that I gave them a second chance and they gave me a chance as well 🙂

      I am sure your Odell loved you very much and is still around you now making sure that you are ok ❤


  64. Hi Deborah too late my poor harry died and I feel the vet didn’t look at her more she was breathing very fast although she ate a little but most of the time went to sleep.and found very hard to poop I really blame my self anyway can’t bring her back she was 50 years old I had her from three months brought her back from Hongkong any way,miss her ver ver very much

    • I am so sorry for your loss hun. I have no way of knowing what was wrong however you said she was 50 years old and in captivity that is a fairly normal life span. Captive-bred African grey parrots average 50 years, but some parrots may die at 30 or 40 years of age. So Harry had his normal life span and you can hold on to the fact that he was very loved and never had to go from home to home. He was with you for his entire life and that in itself is such a sweet blessing. ❤


  65. Aloha,
    We have a 26 year umbrella who has laid every season for 15 years but we do all the tricks to keep it minimal. She was eggy this past 2 weeks and laid an egg two nights ago. She takes water well but is subdued and has minimal appetite this am. Same yesterday but by pm talking and eating well. This is not her normal, the egg is usual size and shell type. We did her post egg shower and checked vent, all normal appearance. Large messy feces first of day which is same as always post egg for her.
    Ideas? I have been her owner since she was brought to ER (human) by her breeder at 6 days old. As owner surrender when she was having difficulty tube feeding. We do not have an avian vet near available (on this island)

    • First off thank you for adopting this precious girl. I have a lot of things come to mind, however cannot even begin to make a diagnosis since only an avian vet could do that. Does she normally lay only one egg? If in prior years there were more then this would concern me a bit. Some times it can take a few days for the next egg to show up. Is she trying to sit on the egg? I do have a hen that does even though her eggs are not fertile and I have to put the food and water down beside her in order to get her to eat. My biggest fear would be that an egg is lodged, is she still pooping normally since the first day? She is eating normally but only in the evenings? How about her weight, is it normal? So many questions but yet I still would not be able to truly help and for that I am very sorry. I pray it all passes and she is back to normal soon. I understand how hard it would be to get her to a vet on the islands. Please keep me posted


  66. Two days ago my baby died. His name was Adam. He was an alexandrine parakeet. Very large. He was just 8yrs old. I cannot express the pain I’m feeling.
    I believe that it was my fault that he died. I loved him with all my heart and cared for him like a mother but I couldn’t be there for him.
    Last year I shifted to another state to study medicine, and I got busy with my college. I used to video call my parents who let me talk with him and I visit home after every four months. All was ok, until 24 days ago I left again for my college. And this time he couldn’t bear it coz. I didn’t call much or got in touch. He started sitting on the base of his cage all the time not talking much ,not speaking. His companion Eve was okay on the other hand. She used to hit him like always but this time he stopped fighting back. Two days ago he was found lying upside down in his cage by my doctor sister. She picked him up and tried to wake him up. Once he did wake up but then he just died.
    My family buried him, without even telling me. I couldn’t even be there. All my life I’m gonna regret not being there for him. If I was there he would be alive. It’s not the food that they crave for, it’s the love too.
    He loved me so much and he died wait for me.

    • I am so very sorry for your loss hun. I do believe though that he is still by your side and will never hold a grudge, this is why I call them Angels. He was blessed to have you and visa versa. Remember and focus on your happy moments. He is now flying free at the Rainbow Bridge and is happy, healthy and still loving you with all his heart ❤


  67. my indian ring neck parrot died i dont know how he died i can tell you what happened to him before dying he making weird noises and open and closing his mouth we think that we have to free him so that he can live but when my dad take him out on my house road and throw him.he fly for very little time and dropped and my dad take him in.but he was dead please ssay what happened to him.

    • I am so sorry for your loss, but I truly have no way of knowing how he passed. Only a necropsy would show the reasons and that has to be done by an avian vet. Again so very sorry for your loss hun ❤


  68. My Parrot die today 28 September 2017, we didn’t had a very long time together. But for 50 days he stayed happy with us. Hope POLLY now is in heaven flying like an angel.

  69. Hi there. I have a female Eclectus. Her name is Lila. All of a sudden she does not want to eat but she drinks a lot of water. Sometimes she will put her whole beak into the water bowl. She also sleeps a lot. There is also no avian where I live. Is there somebody with any advice please.


    • I am so very sorry that she is ill, how far to the closest avian vet, she really needs to be seen. There is no way to advise on what is wrong without medical testing. I pray you can find someone soon to see her ❤


  70. I just lost my little girl Echo she was a Blue&Gold Macaw who I watch being hatched so I’ve had her for 26yrs I’m so shocked, she was so happy being silly all day, my town was having their FallFoilage for yrs she’s been in front of my door while people enjoyed talking taking pic. I put her back in cage at 5:30pm hit her something to eat she wanted to play at 10:00pm I said you had a big day go to sleep now 11:30 she started to cough then bobbing throwing up, it looked like she was choking then she stopped I got her out wrapped her in a soft blanket held her,I just thought she was exhausted from gagging so long,I laid her on floor wrapped up she never moved thought she died then she got out of blanket took 3 steps sat there I picked her up again held her she wanted out of blanket I put her on floor she went to her back kicked her feet cried out 2times then passed away.I’M AM SO LOST:( I’m so sorry for all who losses their child that’s what she was my child

    • I am so very sorry for your loss hun, I totally do understand how this breaks ones heart. I pray that you will soon be able to remember the happy times ❤


  71. Tallulah was with for 27+.yrs I’ve heard many different answers as to how long they live.my wife last gave her water Sunday eve sadly I found her at the bottom of her CAGE Tue afternoon .Her water bowl was very low with some food in it I’m heart broken hoping she didn’t pass from lack of water.My wife thought I gave water. I thought she had She had been on the bottom of her CAGE a lot but she had done this when passing eggs . I’m heart broken thinking I may have caused her passing.

    • I am so very sorry for your loss hun. I have no way of knowing how or why she may have passed, only a necropsy performed by an avian vet can provide you with that answer. However you were concerned about the water being low…parrots do not drink a large amount of water but if there was water left she would have drank if needed. Depending on care an Alexandrian average life span in captivity is 30 years. This of course all depends on so many factors but it could be your precious love had just reached the end of her journey here. I am so sorry for your grief and I fully understand all too well the pain in loosing a feathered one. I pray you can look back on all the happy memories soon and able to let go of the grief and the guilt you are carrying hun ❤


  72. In the last 4 weeks we have had 4 birds die 3 parakeets and today are scarlet macaw died not sure what is going on even had the fire department come out and check to see if any gas leaks or cabon monoxide they said thier was nothing at all wrong in house the parakeets started dying one a day every 3 or 4 days none have died for 2 weeks we got 3 new ones also have cockatiels in the same cage with them they all get along no fighting and we have a quacker parrot a female shes in her own cage they all seem fine , today my wife said she heard a macaw fall off his perch and hit the bottom of his cage i came home as fast as i could got him out of his cage and put him in a dog carrier to take him to the vet he didnt not turn around to look at me like he had in the past when we would take him some where i reached in and got him out he would not stand very good on my arm she i was holding him with my arm he sounded like he was gasping for air and was making strange noises and he was always a talker but it was a different sound he looked and me and closed his eyes and died in my arms does anyone have a idea what might have happened we are using same food not sure what it is.

    • I am so very sorry, I can only imagine how heartbreaking this is along with frightening not knowing the reason. I sure hope you find out what it is. Has there been any spraying ie bug spray etc. Or possible your water has something in it….The list is long and I do hope and pray you can find out what the issue is before loosing another angel. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers


  73. I had a quaker parrot for years since I was 9. Now I am 18 and my baby passed away last Friday….She was so healthy and suddenly died….She had dried blood kind of coming out of her eye and my uncle believed she choked on some seashell because she was close to them. I am so heartbroken because she could have lived till I was 39. I dont know how to live through this, i cant eat, all i do is sleep to avoid this pain and i pray to give her back because I cant continue like this anymore. That is 9 years of a strong bond down the drain, everything ive taught her since 9 years old is gone….Ill never get a bird like her. Her name is cooca. I still keep thinking shes alive, everytime I see that empty cage, i am so paralyzed and i start to break down again. I am so lost, i want to show someone a pic of her neck after death but everyone keeps telling me they don’t know ):

    • I am so very very sorry for your loss. I pray that one day the pain will ease and you can smile at the beautiful memories you had together. I also hope that maybe when your heart is healed you will consider adopting another angel to love ❤


    • I am so sorry for your loss and wish I had answers for you but truly the only way to know for sure is for an avian vet to perform a necropsy and find out why your precious Grey passed away ❤


  74. I pick up a baby galah of the road in 40 ,+ heat obviously fallen kicked or something out of the nest,managed to get her to drink and now eat, very friendly little thing problem is she won’t use her feet can’t stand walk etc, feels like she has no strength in her legs or feet,s he just sits in her belly with legs stucked under have had her checked out nothing broken, she can’t balance on her feet without falling, not sure what to do

  75. It could be the there is some medical problem with the legs or hips, if you can get the baby to an avian vet to do some tests that would be best. The poor baby will not survive in the wild if it cannot walk. I have known many people who raised birds that could not walk and the birds were wonderful companions. Please keep me posted


  76. I had the honor to look after a baby princess parrot which passed away not to long ago about an hour now, it was round 6 weeks old, I had cared for her for just over a week, I’m glad she did pass because not been able to walk would suck, some how she tell from the nest, this was the 1st batch from the Adult birds, kinda sad about this because I drew close to it while I was caring for me, rest in peace my friend

  77. Hello, something is going around the world. I am tracking parrot sickness and deaths. If anyone has lost a parrot from 1/1/15 through the present, I encourage you to reach out. I am finding commonalities in distributors of a potential virus on the bags of parrot food from third party sellers and potential airborne viruses via migratory waterfowl. You can message me on instagram @mandaandrio – I have a map of the spread of sickness & of all the deaths, related to the common vendors & in general. I’ve been in touch with Texas A&M Infectious Disease, CDC, State & Us Fish & wildlife, biologists, epidemiologists, FDA, USDA, Dept of Ag, & my own vet & human dr. Many cases we have no explanations for. The bird is fine, then the next morning has passed. Some get very sick & recover. I have several cases of bird falling critically ill & people + other household pets falling critically ill. Our vets are baffled & the number of recorded cases is rising daily, globally. If you have a sick or deceased parrot, I give you my deepest sympathies & understand the pain you are experiencing in the loss of your companion. Working hard to bring them all justice.

  78. My green check conure named Rio (boy) and only bird died on Friday the 5th it was devistating to find him at the bottom of his cage dead. He had a proper diet and was taken care of well but I do not know why he died the next day me and my uncle went to a pet store and got a sun conure her name is Halo and still the only bird. Rio my green check conure lived with me for 3 years and was 15 when I got him but died at 18 dose anyone know why? Please give me some tips. He seemed old enough for his age to go but I need help finding out if that’s the cause. Thank you

    • My neigbhor had a conure that died at 18 years old. It seems this is kinda the top of their lifespan… You cared for him well but sometimes our birds are older than we think. My Hahn’s mini – macaw just died at around 20. Fed it all the right things – was shocked as you were as she looked spectacular up until a few days before she passed… Oh it is so heartwrenching…

  79. My meana was a Quaker parrot. Just shy of her 13th hatchday. I have had her since she was 6 months old. Woke up today and her little body was on the floor of her cage. The cage was clean she had plenty food and water. She had never been sick. I don’t understand why she died. Heart broken and at a loss. She was all I had my childhood home my dad passedway 2 years ago. We used to bond over all the things she did

    • I am so very sorry for your loss, I completely understand the emotions and love you had for your little feathered one. I pray that soon you can remember all the good times and hopefully one day you may be able to adopt another precious feathered one ❤


  80. My beautiful female Hahns mini macaw died a month ago. Had her 20 years and she was so much fun. She was a chronic egg layer which I think contributed to her death although she looked spectacular when she died – was even growing new feathers. The day she died she would not eat and was not vocal. That night, she died …. Was devastated and still grieving. For about a week, noticed she was straining to poop and making smaller poops than normal…but then would make normal droppings. She was not laying eggs so I did not think it was an egg binding issue. i

    • I am so very sorry for your loss. I cannot begin to say why but my first thought would be lack of calcium if she was a chronic layer and of course the other thing as you mention being bound with an egg. Again so sorry I truly know how hard this hurts to loose a feathered one


      • Thanks Deborah, I fed my parrot Harrison’ s High Potency plus gave her greens.When she was in the egg laying mode (which she displayed by a distinctive type of behavior) I also supplemented her with Ovi -aid – a formula to help the egg laying process.which my vet recommended. There were no signs that she was in that egg laying mode this time. She had not had eggs for 2 years . That is why I was shocked when she deteriorated so quickly. Accordingly to some websites, she was at her lifespan of 20 years so maybe she had some sort of tumor?

  81. Hi my African grey parot died at the vets on Tuesday morning we left her there as she went very week suddenly, blood tests showed liver problem they were treating her, but she died the morning after she went to the vets, she was the sweetest gentle parot ever my poor molly

    • I am so very sorry for your loss. Unfortunately she could have been ill for awhile, since birds hide their illness so well. I hope you can remember only the good times soon and possibly adopt another ❤


    • Hi Julie, I feel your pain. Its been over a month and I still miss my Hahn’s mini macaw. Same thing happened to my bird.. suddenly no vocalization, did not want to eat and just wanted to be on my shoulder head under my chin. She died overnight .
      I feel guilty that I may have missed some subtle signs that my parrot was ill… but she appeared fine and was even growing new feathers.

      How old was your Molly? People that I have know had greys that died around 30 years of age. One person’s grey died at 22.

  82. Okay I don’t want to make my roommates grey disappear but it will never shut the hell up other then a sheet over the cage what can I do or he might end up dinner he also screams with the sheet on please help lol

    • Greys are extremely intelligent and it sounds as though your roommates grey is needing some mental stimulation. Mine talks all day as well, so I talk to him and we have conversations. I also supply him with a ton of toys so that he has something to do besides looking at the walls. That poor baby has the intelligence of a human child around 4 or 5 years old. Please try the toys and talking with him, or playing music birds love music. Anything to stimulate and entertain him. Keep me posted please!


      • what has happened is the bird has trained the human ,its gonna be along ride but light at the end of the tunnel,,you just have to ignore when the bird is squawking ,,it will stop ( i went through this with a yellow naped amazon that would go on on & on &on )…so i have lived your frustration ,then you give it some attention ..or else you reinforce the unwanted behavior

    • I think soothing music is good – my bird loved prayer and hymm songs – go to a website and find free songs to download and play.

  83. this site is fine to talk about losing your friend but you say NOTHING that would help someone ..enough of the i”m sorry for your loss “cliche ” why dont you tell the people whos birds are straining to poop are probably egg bound

    • I am not an avian vet so I cannot give medical advice other than to plead with folks to take their birds to an avian vet. There is no way for me to be sure online of what is happening with any bird medically. While I might have an idea due to my years with birds, it would be very careless and unethical of me to suggest anything and then possibly be completely wrong. As for the “cliche” of me expressing my sorrow for ones loss….it is sincere and comes from my heart as I know all to well what the pain of loosing a feathered one feels like. I thank you for your opinions but I feel I am doing my best here to help folks in the best way one can online. One of my main goals here is not only to help educate but also make sure that folks understand the need for regular avian checkups to help prevent medical issues. Not wait until the bird is in distress and then start looking online for answers.


  84. Any ideas why my conure would have died. He was starting to get real tired and the vet couldn’t see any issues, however the next couple days he singing in the morning then we found him laying down at the bottom of his cage dead. I’m very sad. His name was Pineapple.

    • I am so sorry to hear of your loss, however there are so many possibilities of what might have happened that I could not even begin to guess. I am sorry the vet did not find out what was wrong. I pray you remember the happy times with Pineapple and cherish those memories ❤


  85. I recently bought a plum headed baby parakeet it has been three days and when I got home from college I found him dead …..my mom informed me that he was sitting on his perch and just fell off afterwards his breathing slowed down and he died. ….I don’t know what I did wrong I gave him nothing toxic he had water what could have happened can someone please help ?

    • There is no way of knowing what happened without a necropsy performed by an avian vet. I am truly sorry for your loss. Also when purchasing birds you have no way of knowing history etc. Please consider adoption, there are literally thousands of parrots in need of a loving home ❤


  86. I live in the uk and on Thursday 8 nov I lost my beloved African grey , Ellie . He was only 16.5 years old and the vet said he had a mass in his liver which when he was scanned showed it was pushing up to his lungs and his air sacs couldn’t even be seen 😢 I’d noticed he was breathing with his beak open but he had been eating up to the day before I took him to the avian vet . He was very thin and unsteady on his feet . It’s my fault because he was on Harrison’s parrot mix which inc sunflower seeds. I did give him fruit and veg and sometimes almond nut or hazelnut but obviously not often enough and I killed him thru bad diet . He had a bad breathing attack 5 years ago but got over that and I thought this was the same 😢 so now I know I’m a bad owner and neglected to notice how I’ll he was . He had stopped talking as much and sleeping more so I only have myself to blame . I’ve since been told to never feed AG on sunflower seeds but I can’t go thru this again because no other could replace Ellie . He was my first parrot and he loved me so much I was his mate . I have a very nasty family who treat me badly and I took my eye off what was the most important thing . Ellie ! Please all AG owners don’t feed sunflower seeds . I’m absolutely heartbroken

    • I am so very sorry for your loss hun. Thank you for the reminder that sunflower seeds should never be fed to any parrots. They are nothing but a fatty seed with no benefit at all to our birds. I also want you to know that each species can be so different. African Greys do not process vitamin D well so they need calcium and sunshine or special lighting to help them process the much needed vitamin D. I hope that someday you will find another feathered angel to love. Never give up, just keep learning and sharing ❤


      • The vet has showed me his xrays and the mass was so huge and she said it was a very aggressive tumour . His calcium levels were perfect and she doesn’t think it was thru diet but I do 😢 he lived in my conservatory which was always warm in winter for him and in summer on beautiful days he was outside in his cage . His loss leaves a huge hole in my heart and soul

  87. My parrot died today because of eye infection later that infection become systemic I tried to warn my mom but she said he is fine and still said that we need to go to the vet.i found him dead todays morning and my mom lied to me that he was ok when I wake up. The pain I feel now I must have tried WHY DID I NOT TRIED his eye was almost gone because of the infection

    • I am so very sorry for your loss hun ❤ Any time a bird looks ill, they must be taken to an avian vet immediately. It is a sad way for you to learn this and hopefully in the future it will help you.


  88. Hello today my parrot died i want to know the reason he was not eating properly from last 2 days but he was playing and his legs was also good but dont know what happen today his legs stopped working and he was slepping continuously and in within 2 hours he died i dont know how plzz help me i am feeling sod and in so much pain that i cant express plzz help plzz

    • I am very sorry for your loss, I wish I could give you an answer but there is only one way to truly know how your precious Angel passed….he would need a necropsy done by an avian vet.


  89. Our African grey Goggo past away yesterday. We got home and he had got stuck somehow with his blanket. He was only 4 and a half years old and he was our life, with it being winter we kept a light blanket on top of his cage and have for years, we didn’t expect this tradegy and are so broken and lost, he my partner and my little boy, he took to me a little more and we had an irreplaceable bond. The worst thing is that we were to protect him at all costs, my heart is shattered. Word please look after our baby in bird heaven he was the most precious little personality and had do much life to live.

  90. my parrot (kuchu) in heven today (30oct2019), she was like my child, i got her under a tree when she was a baby and with me for past 8 years. i along with my friend found her when my friend first tried to take her she rudely behaved and gave a bite to him, but when i gave my hand to her she came close to me and easily came to me and was comfortable with me. she was along with me for 8 years. my daughter calls her my little sister. today she is crying and so i and my wife also. love you my child and rest in peace we will meet again.

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