Super Seeds For Parrots by Jo Lod Lease

Super Seeds For Parrots

Written by Jo Lod Lease of Lair Of Dragons Bird Rescue


Chia Seeds

Ch-ch-chia! Chia seeds—particularly the Salba variety—are high in iron, folate, calcium, magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids and soluble fiber. The superseed’s calcium and magnesium promote bone and dental health, while the omega-3s help your heart by lowering triglycerides, the bad fats in your blood that can cause heart disease. Their soluble fiber helps decrease cholesterol, stabilize blood sugar, and make you feel full longer.  The nine amini acids in chia make it a high-quality sourse of protein.  One ounce of chia delivers 11 grams of fiber and 4 grams of protein.


Hemp Seeds

Not just for hippies, these superseeds are a great source of complete protein and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. They also contain phytosterols, plant-based compounds that help lower cholesterol levels. Hemp is loaded with protein.  Just one ounce of shelled hemp seeds contain more than 10 grams of protein.  Not only are they loaded with protein, they are also a good source of other important nutrients including iron, magnesium and zinc


Pumpkin Seeds

Also known as pepitas, these superseeds are a source of B vitamins, iron, magnesium, zinc, and protein, and are particularly rich in the amino acid tryptophan, which may help lower anxiety. Pumpkin seeds also have high levels of essential fatty acids that help keep blood vessels healthy and lower bad cholesterol.


Sunflower Seeds

These underrated superseeds are an excellent source of B vitamins, including folate (which helps prevent birth defects), and vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that protects cells from damage, helps maintain healthy hair and skin, and may work to prevent cancer. They are also rich in protein and heart-healthy fats.


Flax Seeds

These little, brown, nutty-flavored superseeds are a great source of soluble fiber (each tbsp. contain about 8 grams) as well as a good source of magnesium, phosphorus, copper, thiamin and magnese which helps lower cholesterol, makes you feel fuller longer, and aids in stabilizing blood sugar levels. Flax seeds are packed with omega-3 fatty acid, which benefits eye and brain health, and can help lower triglycerides, protect against immflammation and high blood pressure. High in lignans, a plant-like form of estrogen, they may also help prevent certain cancers.


Wheat Germ

The nutritional powerhouse of the wheat kernel, wheat germ is loaded with protein, iron, and B vitamins such as folate. The high fiber content of this superseed helps prevent constipation and keeps your appetite in check although it is high in calories, so modertion is key. And wheat germ is low on the glycemic index, so it doesn’t spike your blood sugar.  The health benefits of wheat germ include a boost to the immune system and a preventative measure against cardiovascular disease and cancer. Wheat germ has anti-aging properties, and can positively affect mental agility, muscle development, stamina, and the healing rate for wounds. The nutrients in wheat germs can also aid in digestion, prevent damage to the arteries, and help in efforts to lose weight.   Adding wheat germ or certain types of wheat germ extracts to your diet can help you reduce the risk factors for multiple types of cancer.



This South American seed is at the top of so many superfood list.  One cup of cooked quinoa has 8 grams of complete proteinand 5 grams of dietary fiber.  Amino acids are the building blocks of protein.  Essential amino acids are the amino acids that must come from food, since our bodies can’t produce them.  Quinoa is rich in several of these essential amino acids, making it an excellent source of plant-based protein.  Since quinoa is cholesterol free and also full of fiber, it is a healthy alternative to animal-based sources of protein, including meat and cow’s milk.  In addition, quinoa contains more than 10% of the dietary recommended daily allowance for a wide range of vitamins that includes thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin B6 and folate and is packed with minerals such as iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, copper and magnese.



This seed is truly is the king of all seeds when it comes to protein.  One cup of cooked amaranth contains more than 9 grams of protein.  Unlike a lot of other plant-based proteins, amaranth contains all the amino acids (the building blocks of protein) that we need, making it a complete protein.  Amaranth is also a good source of fiber (5.2 grams per cup), unlike animal proteins.  When you consider the vitamins and minerals that are packed into this grainlike seed, you will be amazed.  One cup of cooked amaranth contains more than 10% of the RDA of vitamin B6,folate,calcium,iron,zinc,copper and selenium and it is a great source of magnesium,phosphorus and magnese.


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